Monday, December 30, 2019

Poetry Analysis. Protecting The Innocence Instilled In

Poetry Analysis Protecting the innocence instilled in children has been questioned throughout history. Some might believe it is within their rights to shelter children from the gruesome parts of the world in a loving manner, while others might believe it is their job to prepare children for what scary realities lie ahead. This is a subject argued about by many parents, teachers, and guardians. If one were to shelter their children too much, the child would grow up to misunderstand how to survive in the world. If one was too honest about history’s brutality, the child might grow up thinking in a warrior state of mind, and ignore the very human essence that a mentor would hopefully want to pass on. â€Å"A Barred Owl† and â€Å"The History Teacher†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Richard Wilbur beckons the child to replace fear with curiosity and imagination when he says, â€Å"Asking us if rightly listened to, â€Å"Who cooks for you? And then who cooks for you?â €  (Lines 5-6). And he also explains his theory using the connotative meaning of the word â€Å"domesticate.† He says, â€Å"Words, which can make our terrors bravely clear, can also domesticate a fear† (Lines 7- 8). When you hear the word domesticate or domesticated, one instantly associates the comfort of home or even taming something wild, as in fear. The ending lines of the poem are, â€Å"Or dreaming of some small thing in a claw, borne up to some dark branch eaten and raw† (Lines 11-12) While using rhyming words throughout the entire poem; the conclusion is most heard when reading it out loud. Conceivably symbolizing the basic meaning of the poem, the poet explains that a small child’s fears do not belong in their head; one of the greatest joys of being a child is that the child is protected. A child trusts with every inch of their being. Richard Wilbur’s theory comes out of innocence in itself. He brings up questions in the reader’ s mind such as; why not take advantage of the gullibility if it is for true and good-natured reasons? Every parent or person that cares for a child wants to shield them from worries. In â€Å"A Barred Owl,† a reader sees the delicate and extremely personal responsibility of a child needing their mentor

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Addiction Vs. Obsession Addiction Versus Obsession

Addiction vs. Obsession In the reality TV show â€Å"My Strange Addiction,† participants are brought on to showcase how their â€Å"addictions† impact their everyday lives. These participants open themselves up to display to the viewers what it is like to live with their bizarre inclinations. Once, the participants display their â€Å"strange addiction,† they will go to a physician to see how they can change their habits. Some participants â€Å"addictions† may be weird, but nonetheless, harmless. Examples would be: having a romantic relationship with their car, having hair that is twenty-one feet long, or dressing up as a baby during their free time. Others, may not be so harmless. Some participants’ habits prove to be detrimental to their health and wellbeing. Like, being obsessed with eating mattresses, eating clay face masks, or being obsessed to drinking their own urine. Although the show tries to portray the participants’ habits as â₠¬Å"addictions,† what they are showing are signs of psychological disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and many other disorders. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an addiction as, â€Å"[the] compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.† Not one participant on â€Å"My Strange Addiction† is shown using any type of drug. The word addiction has an immensely negative connotation. So, automatically when a viewer watches the showShow MoreRelatedCellphones Today ( Benefits And Detriments )3965 Words   |  16 PagesIntroduction: Cellphones Today (Benefits and Detriments). Cell phones, which happen to be one of the greatest technological inventions of the 20th century has become one of the addictions in the world. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in Internet era Free Essays

In the postmodern society we have today, Internet-access Is a natural part of the everyday life. Not only have the Internet almost taken over people’s lives, but apparently also their schoolwork and education. Due to the easy access to everything on the Internet, faculty at schools have trouble find-inning a dividing line, between what is cheating and what is not. We will write a custom essay sample on Students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in Internet era or any similar topic only for you Order Now An example of this was seen in a chemistry-class at the University of Wisconsin, where 42 students were accused of plagiarism. While all the students protested, none of the students seemed to know the seriousness of the situ-tool. This leads to the question: when Is something plagiarism? And what can one do to fix the cheating? Journalist, Todd Effeminately wrote the text â€Å"U students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in In-tern era† in 2010, and it was published in â€Å"the Capital Times†- newspaper. The sender of the art-clue, want to Inform the reader of the present Issue: plagiarism. The sender simply wants to notify the reader that plagiarism Is Illegal and wrong. This leads to the unknowing students, who tempt to take the short cut and use other people’s work. The scary thing is that most students don’t see the series- scenes of this problem – they simply don’t consider it cheating. As Donald McCabe, professor at Rutgers University and co-founder of the International Center for Academic Integrity, explains it: â€Å"You’re almost to the 50-50 mark right now, where almost half the students we survey don’t see this as ‘moderate’ or ‘serious’ cheating. And the number that’s growing Is the half who don’t con-slider It cheating. † This quotation-use by the writer, appeals to the readers pathos: how come so many students don’t see this wrongdoing? What have society done wrong to make this happen? Not only does Effeminately appeal to pathos, but he also appeals to ethos, which strengthens his reliability. HIS ethos Increases, with both the use of statistics and experts to comment on the Issue, for an example: â€Å"Donald McCabe, has been researching academic misconduct for 20 years, and he says Logos is also a penetrating form of appeal. It is used throughout the entire text, when Effeminately tries to convince the reader that plagiarism is an increasing crime. Because, of course plagiarism is wrong, and he proves it by referring to the majorities opinion: â€Å"most me to agree with the notion that plagiarism – taking the work of others and presenting It as your own – Is wrong†. Another appeal to logos Is his use of connectives in the text. Connectives make him look sure of his case, for an example when he uses â€Å"of course† in the end his contention: â€Å"Students who cheat are nothing new on college campuses, of course†. All of the examples above are all signs of hidden argumentation. Hidden problem, and agree with him at the same time. With the use of hidden argumentation, the reader is influenced in the wanted direction, most likely without ensign any form of manipulation. The signs of hidden argumentation is seen in the text, when the writer refers to experts, the majority of people’s opinions and if the writer is general-sizing, which is all seen in this text. The way of the composition makes the text very floating – there is a good balance between claim and evidence in the argumentation. At the same time there is a perfect comprehensive use of experts to support the argumentation. Because of the formal and high-flown language used in the article, it is to conclude that the target roof for the text must be most suitable for the academic educated people. At the same time it is not unthinkable that the text also is meant for college-students around the world. Because of the theme and the conclusion in the text, you must assume that the text’s purr-pose is to enlighten the students about the serious matter of the problem: plagiarism. One of the scary things to think about is the fact that young students cheat because they have doubt in themselves. Either, they don’t realism how smart they are, or maybe they are Just scared of hard work and failure? In reality, the main reason why students cheat is because they: â€Å"didn’t think they could accomplish what they wanted to any other way’. But is the goal really accomplished, when it is accomplished with fraud? Plagiarism is so common that some people even write papers in ex-change for money. As it is told in the article: â€Å"Professor Donald Downs (†¦ ) met a man who â€Å"told me he felt like he had taken my courses. † A puzzled Downs asked the man what he meant. â€Å"He told me, ‘Vive written about 20 papers for your In conclusion, what can one do to fix the cheating? According to the article the main season to fix cheating is by talking about it, even though the topic is sensitive: ;legalism is a very difficult conversation to have because nobody quite wants to talk about it,† (†¦ You can’t work on this issue unless you talk about it. † The important thing is to enlighten students about this issue, because if the students really speak the truth: then how can it be considered cheating, if they truly don’t know what plagiarism is? Enlighten is also the main purpose of this article: enlighten the world about plagiarism. Set a stop to plagiarism and accomplish your goals by yourself. How to cite Students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in Internet era, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Network Management in Organizations for IT - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theNetwork Management in Organizations for IT Infrastructure. Answer: Introduction The IT administration task is a difficult task and in recent times there has been an increase in the demand of quality IT administrator. There are various ethical and legal issues associated with IT administration that should be taken care of. Today, Information Technology has emerged as a critical organization function and it is important that the computers and networks in the organization should be protected from any external data theft or internal data leak (Guo Fan, 2015). The objective of this paper is to discuss the issue of ethical use of computers and networks in the organization and the paper would also discuss some of the guidelines for ethical use of IT infrastructure within the organization. Identification There are several issues that could be identified with the use of computers, networks and another IT infrastructure. One of the key ethical issue is the privacy of the users. In this era of technological advancements there is an increased concern of privacy of users. The data used within the organizational network can be vulnerable. Another ethical issue that could be identified in this area is the security issue. There is always a possibility that the sensitive data of the organization would be stolen. Moreover, the computer systems also store the personal and confidential data of users. From the IT administration point of view, there is an ethical issue of control and management (Beberlein Dias, 2017). The IT administrator would usually have the access to all the data within the department or the organization. It is important that the IT administrators should show high ethical standards while dealing with the data. In any of the case, the data of the employees should not be shared with any other stakeholder without the due consent of employee. In fact, this makes the job of IT administrators more challenging. In a nutshell, it can be said that there are three key ethical issues associated with computer and network management in the organization. These three issue can be summarized as: Privacy of the users Security of data Control and Management of data form IT administration perspective Analysis All the three issues are critical and important for organization. It is crucial that the steps should be taken to avoid these issues. The first issue of privacy and the second issue of security are interlinked as the privacy of the users is inversely proportional to security (Royle Laing, 2014). There are times when the IT administrators have to take the tough decision of compromise in the privacy level to ensure that the security of the system is maintained. Today, most of the organization follows a formal quality technique and standard guidelines to ensure that the balance between the security and privacy is maintained. It is important that the above issues should be analyzed from the perspective of various internal and external stakeholders. There are times when the external stakeholders like investors may not be much interested in the issue of privacy as they are not directly impacted by it. There are times when different stakeholders have different priorities (Amiri Nikoukar, 2014). For example, for some of the stakeholders, the priority could be privacy issues and for some of the stakeholders, the priority could be data security issues. In this type of situations, the organizational leaders are the key stakeholders and it is important that they should analyze the expectations of different stakeholders before making any internal policy. Evaluation From the evaluation perspective, it can be said that organizations should have strong measures in place to ensure that the above issues could be resolved. The bottom line is that the organization should be able to achieve its end objectives and the issues should not hinder the growth of organization. Moreover, Information Technology is a key enabler for organizations to achieve the objective. The evaluation of the issues suggest that the issue of privacy and security are the internal issues that could be sorted within the organization. For example, organization can have a strong set of procedures and policies to ensure that people stick to the policies. The third issue of control and management should be looked form and outside-in perspective. It is important that organizations should hire the people that demonstrates high ethical standards and moral values. It can be said that the evaluation of the issues should be done on time to time basis (Xi Yun, 2015). For organizations, it wo uld make sense to get the evaluation done through external organization. The external consultancy agencies would help the organizations to get a good perspective about the existing data and privacy issues. It is also important that the results of the evaluation should be shared with internal stakeholders of the organization. It would develop the confidence among the employees and they would be able to support the initiatives of the organization towards Information Security (Manshaei Zhu, 2013). Conclusion The above paper discusses the ethical issues associated with the use of computer and networks in the organization. The paper also touched upon the key guidelines that should be followed. With the above discussion, it can be said that one of the key guidelines that should be followed is standardization. The standardization of policies and procedures would ensure that there is little deviation from the set protocols. Another guideline or the recommendation for organizations is the use of benchmarking. It can be said that the benchmarking is a powerful tool that organizations should use. The focus on Information Technology is the key for organizations to move forward. It could be challenging for organizations and individuals to manage the issues associated with Information Technology, use of computers and networks. However, the benefits outweigh the risks. Therefore, it is important that organizations should have strong policy to tackle the issues of data security, privacy and network c ontrol. References Amiri, I. S., Nikoukar, A., Shahidinejad, A., Ranjbar, M., Ali, J., Yupapin, P. P. (2014). Generation of quantum photon information using extremely narrow optical tweezers for computer network communication.GSTF Journal on Computing (joc),2(1). Beberlein, L. T., Dias, G., Levitt, K. N., Mukherjee, B., Wood, J. (2017). Network attacks and an Ethernet-based network security monitor. Guo, J. C., Fan, D., Che, H. Y., Duan, Y. N., Wang, H. S., Zhang, D. W. (2015). An approach to network security evaluation of computer network information system with triangular fuzzy information.Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy Systems,28(5), 2029-2035. Manshaei, M. H., Zhu, Q., Alpcan, T., Bac?ar, T., Hubaux, J. P. (2013). Game theory meets network security and privacy.ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),45(3), 25. Royle, J., Laing, A. (2014). The digital marketing skills gap: Developing a Digital Marketer Model for the communication industries. International Journal of Information Management, 34(2), 65-73. Xi, R. R., Yun, X. C., Zhang, Y. Z., Hao, Z. Y. (2015). An improved quantitative evaluation method for network security.Chinese Journal of Computers,38(4), 749-758.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Should children be spanked; a polemical approach Essay Example

Should children be spanked; a polemical approach Essay Literally it is metaphorically emphasised that ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’, this enough reason to espouse spanking children in any life setting so as to impart purported discipline and moral values that seem decadent within the children. Disciplined children are products of the environment they are brought up in. (Ken David 2007)Disciplined clever kids is modern days parent dream But with economic recession biting deep, work holism creeping into the house and job insecurity on the rise, parents are becoming more worrisome of their fiscal future than their children’s. Instead of bright disciplined kids most parent are afraid they are rearing brats and insubordinate devils and imps, of which they are to blame. This blame emanates from regulation that has surmounted values and ethics of discipline and forced a precautionary attitude towards spanking.Discipline is vital in bringing forth responsible and prosperous children who’ll reckon upon themselves in future. Discipline is instilled and recommendations by experts are that this should be done in the best and simple way possible. Spanking is concise and impartial, it has physiological authority over even crime and it is effective in instilling discipline in children. Discipline is derived from the term disciple hence discipline is discipleship. This means disciplined children are a product of the environment they are brought up in. This clarifies discipline in our children as emulated characters, speech, dressing code and etiquette besides habits from us. This is the principle which guides discipline as an induced but cognitive life principle which should whatsoever should be administered regardless of the modus. Spanking as such becomes the most effective and admissible modus. Spanking has had a history and this is what have been a subject of controversy and much ado. Spanking is necessary conflict within family values and has far reaching implications on social integrity and status of individual children once they become adults. Those that have had a robust and easy life, often getting away with their lewd, wayward ways have a difficult time adjusting and coping with the general society that is quite discontented with immoral outward ness and social misfits. In modern society young adults have been murdered after becoming problems within their society and much of their bad character is inherent from their parent’s ignorance and hands off the cane parenting style.On the other end, institutional based disciplining is another important aspect of imparting good moral values and respectful and responsible adults. On the spot today are kids for using vulgar language, abusing each other and talking ill things about their neighbours and specific parties. Much of this is attributed and derived from their parents or those in the environment. When this is availed in institutions, of which and of whom a responsibility to mould and educate the young to become immaculate, respectful and respectable social members, and the repercussions have roused controversial stances and proxies about spanking. While spanking is important since it physiologically warns and adapts the child to becoming restrained from using the vulgar lingo or being abusive, disobedient or in any way outwards and in-disciplined, some teachers and individuals have gone step beyond necessary spanking to harmful beating rather than spanking.It becomes basic to mentor children to become adults who’ll say acceptable things in the society. While they desperately try to be like us we should mould them into responsible and respectable individuals who’ll live to impart similar values to their sons and daughters In future. Spanking becomes a necessary social conflict through which we achieve discipline in principle. Manifestation of social ethics and moral uprightness is impartial in context and argumentatively we are faced with a hypothetical situation which seeks to identify how we should spank rather than how we should discipline. Spanking should be mildly violent in nature and besides the violent appeal during appeal which is meant to rouse physiological awareness as to the profundity of the error committed and should not become more than a harassment of physical well being. The pain felt or excruciated during spanking becomes the key to the much important physiological awareness that the deeds that have led to the spanking are negatively consequential.Habits exhibited by both parents and other senior siblings are easily taken in by kids. A father who especially rebukes his wife, calls her names and criticizes her, refuses to eat her food and often demoralize her obviously has his sons taking after him. Like father like son. His boys will bully their sisters, disrespect their mother and abuse girls in school. They will continue with all these bad habits blazing (Tucker, W, 2003). This ratifies the fact that the increased incidences of chil d abuse, name calling amongst children and the use of very vulgar lingo in the society are a progeny and a consequence of irresponsible parenting. In modern world we are faced by the incumbent problem of parent beating children. In fact, the African community in its nascent is more affected than ever. Parents debuting old age are being badly beaten by their own children. These are in context causes or reagents of indiscipline (Norris M, 1997).Besides the institutional based disciplining which of course plays a major role in moulding and making the young to be responsible a respectable, caning has been explicit and feared by children. Excessiveness in spanking has resulted to violent approach towards the spanker. Hatred and discontentment towards the teacher or parent has seen homicides and violent crimes rise based on rebellion begotten from the beatings that were excessive. Institutions then are the onset of discipline maintenance and subsequently mould the children into discipline d young adults.Within this level of education and social position respect and responsibility are arguably the basis of moral implications to the children. As such, this is a very important phase in life and spanking is necessary to consolidate the gains and efforts of parenthood in the children.However, the commonplace scenario is that spanking has become so politicised and socially criticised as extreme force and an avenue of revenge and a vent of frustration by protagonists and other relevant figures within the disciplining authority. Subsequently the anger borne out of spanking transforms in hatred and this hatred towards the spanker relevantly has transformed and consummated to revenge through grievous crimes and murders both within and outside the institution. These have been witnessed in the recent past in the United States alone with high school youngsters shooting teachers and other students.Politically, spanking is eyed as a doctrine that has elements of instilling rebellio n based on the fact that force brings rebellion. However as argued within the text, spanking should be done under due physiological perspectives and purposefully, through which the physiological response from the child is that what she/he done is incorrect and that repeating the deed again would result to the same physiological effect and physical pain again. Politics have made spanking a subject that cannot be manifested on long term. The truly profound is that, with increasing social problems and rifts between parents, neighbours, teachers, the circle of revenge and the social economic transformation has created apertures of spanking to be revenge and settling score avenues within the vast society hence rather than being purposeful as it was in the recent past it is controversial and abusive due to the extent of physical pain, injury from caning and physiological breakdown and demoralization of children.   This has forced spanking to be deemed a destructive principle in moral te achings and methodologies and has been regulated and in various societies abolished. If abolished it affects the family which is the basic unit of the society and the only institution that can offset good values and onset responsible kids. The overview basis on the political order is that if; legal, educational, and family systems are designed to benefit owners, resulting in an economic determinism. P.G. Boss, W. J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. R. Schumm, S. K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 357-381).   New York: Plenum.  1993.However the repercussions are grossly worrying with the rise in crime and immoral youngsters reining the social circles. Drugs, gun wielding and totting teens are now a commonplace place scenario, dead armed robbers are the same youngsters and the decadent rapists and social misfits are the progenies of the lack of spanking. It should be emphasized that spanking is necessary conflict. All these problems are related to social cultural and economic transformations (Harvard mental health newsletter, 2002). Socio cultural and economic transformation has been developing through various economic phases which are part of the diverse development. The transformations implication affects the society subsequently drawing conflicts. The social conflicts are profound and based on diverse interest. According to Machiavelli 1948 and Hobbes 1947 tendency towards conflict is a basic element of human nature. With such essential philosophical and socio cultural assertions and facts, there is no question as to the vitality of spanking children. The overall conclusion is that spanking is essential and a necessary conflict.SourcesKen David 2007: Disciplined children are products of the environment they are brought up in. Goldman Publications (pg 3)P.G. Boss, W. J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. R. Schumm, S. K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 357-381).à ‚   New York: Plenum.  1993.(Norris M, 1997): Both sides of the capital punishment: Caribbean journal of criminology. Pp 2-5(Harvard mental health newsletter, 2002) spanking debate: pp 2-4(Tucker, W, 2003): The case for retaining capital punishment: Deterring homicides with the death penalty: Human Events Vol 59; pp 1-3Should be children be spanked? A Research approachSpanking as explained and defined by experts, sociologists and paediatricians is that it is striking a child aged 2years to 6 years on the buttocks purposefully to instil discipline only and if the child has shown or done something that is obviously reflecting indiscipline or bad morals and values. Spanking is a type of corporal punishment with the intention of modifying behaviour without causing physical injury. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. {pg 87}Ideologically spanking is acceptable in diverse global communities though barred in places like Sweden. The average accept ance rate is at around 70% internationally though the parameters speak else in certain countries like the USA where there are variables and attitudes towards spanking. Acceptability of spanking is based on the extremes of a Childs outward behaviour and if the child escalates in the dangerous and socially inadmissible behaviour. The ideology of spontaneous spanking is controversial in context. Parents find themselves in a more policy based situation than a parental one due to the fact that they have to explain the reason of spanking to the child so as to enact and induce principles of continuous adherence to discipline and pre-empting dangerous behaviour in children. However it is only virtually applicable when parents have proper relationship with their children that such a situation is apt.Spanking is only authoritative in context and only by the parents and empirically the outright caretakers. No other, inclusive of house help or maids or other third parties without immediate rela tion with the child should spank a child. The age limit as discussed is only 2 to 6 years of age. Within the higher age group spanking is deemed literally inconsequential and morally ineffective. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. {pg 88}Is spanking effective measure?The idea of spanking is becoming more controversial. The ideology is becoming ineffective due to diverse interests in the spanker and the kind of moral values within and portended by the child. According to Clinical Paediatrics spanking methodology is more of a subject that careens dangerously and one that has led to decline on effectiveness of spanking generally. Spanking has been over the years identified as effective in forcing time out. Continued spanking is negatively consequential with children who have been spanked often, becoming adaptive to spanking and subsequently not responding to the intended purpose of spanking. Children spanked repeatedly develop aggression that may lead to fighting back. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. {pg 88}Through principals of ethics, spanking is effective and a long-term measure with objectives and has consolidated gains over the years. Conflicting perspectives about the implications and the repercussions is not pragmatic within the social order and leaves us with sociological perspectives to measure and seek after resolves rather than arguments about how spanking should be regulated. In principal theorist of conflict draw out conflict as purposeful, as such bad morals and abusive, irresponsible and dangerous kids are inadmissible in the latent   and good society and as such in principal social value adopt the transformation of social values and the subsequent adoption of all possible change of institutions in-spite of negative implications to promote diversity and change while functionalist want stifling of aggressive virtues and applications to conserve and maintain social order and integration to foster an in equilibri um that is safe for the social institutions based on socio-political perspectives within the social transformation. Giddiness A: The Consequences of Modernity Polity Press, Cambridge, 1990Spanking as a inducement of values and discipline a case studyCorporal punishment involves some form of physical pain in response to a undesirable character or behaviour. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. Counterpoint on spanking {pg 90}. The ill mannered children and their counterparts are basically progenies of our social and family values based on Location and the neighbourhood. This is becoming a factor of character and attitude development. Children brought up in urban settlements are renowned bad company to those who are disciplined. These urban kids have the ‘know it all’ attitude and always impose themselves as the superior patents in the group, morally, they have not been under pressure to do away with their ill manners and under no pressure to relent form ap proaching life in a negative perspective. They intimidate and coerce others into their circles.Most of these kids are blamed for introducing drugs and similar irresponsible behaviours in schools and at home even at tender ages of 6 years.   Due to location in the   urban setting, the accessibility of vice’s from peers and aping the trends as seen in television, magazines all over town and the movies, there’s no doubt these children are bad company. The need to find the loopholes that are supportive of the decadency in social values on the long-term are needed. Need of cohesiveness and a consistent socio-economic balance is valuable and is more important today as seen in sociological arguments (Sheline , Skipper Broadhead, 1994).   Theoretical assertions about the functionalism of the society based on its economic equity and the resonance of economic implications through standards of political pragmatics is devout in assenting to centralization of social perspect ives about its own stability as partial overbearing in contrast to the political inclination of economic gains towards some margins of the same society through default or bias. They rely on perspectives, they are open-ended. Beilharz, P. (ed.): Social Theory Guide to Central thinkers Allen Unwin, NSW, 1892However it’s evident that most of these kids are from the rich families who are well up, it’s the irresponsibility of the parents that trounces the kids fine sides. Spoiling their kids is the bane of the rich but the world is becoming incompatible for such. The peer group factor is taken upon seriously by most parents and expulsion of bad company from their precincts is becoming commonplace to the chagrin of their children and the neighbours who have warm relations with these ill mannered kids. But that’s a sufficing step towards nurturing fine kids and a bold one, however it depends on how you teach your children to desist the ill by being a good example and teaching them to be just like that, a good example. Spanking becomes a cognitive methodology of instilling good social values and proper morals. The physical pain should be more or so part of the physiological approach towards rectification of the errors. Within the same frame, the issue of style and ferocity of spanking becomes important. Frustration and anger should be warded off during spanking and resolve plus a cognitive approach to the problem should be used. Ken, David (2007): Disciplined children are products of the environment they are brought up in. {pg 17}

Monday, November 25, 2019

Panofskys views on Van Eyck essays

Panofskys views on Van Eyck essays Panofskys purpose in writing this article was to identify a painting discovered in Brussels in 1815 (referred to as the London portrait) as the portrait of Geovanni Arnolfimi and his wife Jeanne de Cename, painted in 1434. Panofsky uses historical documentation and iconography to prove his point. Because a paintings value can be enhanced by its historical significance, it is important to discover its background. Identifying a painting from several centuries ago is not easy. Because there is no photocopy available, we must depend on physical descriptions provided by others for recognition. Only paintings possessed by rich or historically significant people would be described in inventories or letters saved over hundreds of years. Wars often brought destruction and chaos, destroying historical documentation. Panofsky traces the provenance of this picture to provide a logical argument that the London portrait could be the Arnolfimi painting. He carefully documents the historical journey of the Arnolfimi painting, providing a continuous list of ownership from Don Diego de Guevara of Spain in the 1500s to Charles III in 1789. This careful documentation is to prove that the Amolfimi painting was still listed as being in Madrid in 1789. The timing of its disappearance and the subsequent discovery of the London portrait in Brussels in 1815 could easily be attributed to the chaos caused by Napoleons conquering of Spain during the lost time period. Since written documentation is often used as proof of historical happenings, it is very important that the content be interpreted correctly, within its historical context. Because a language translation can easily twist the contents meaning, scholars usually provide a quote in the language of its origin. In Panofskys era, most research scholars were fluent in German, French, and Latin. Today fluency in English is ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nature vs. Nurture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nature vs. Nurture - Essay Example Since the introduction of fuel consuming vehicles in the society, there has been a rapid increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Cars are everywhere on the face of earth. There is hardly any region where people still travel on foot, and don’t use cars. Cars consume fuel. As the fuel burns, it releases chloro-flouro carbons into the atmosphere, which in turn, result into an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases. Increase in the content of greenhouse gases has caused the temperature to rise in general. In addition to that, our reliance on the vehicles in daily life has made us lazy and laggard. We tend to avoid traveling on foot as long as we have cars with us. Reduced physical activity has caused many of us to put on weight, and people have become obese in large numbers. Like global warming, obesity is an equally big social issue in many advanced countries in the present age. Although there are many other factors that lead an individual to obesity, yet lack of walk is an important factor that causes obesity in people. I believe that in order to cater for these problems, we need to avoid use of vehicles that consume oil. I use a vehicle that does not consume any fuel, and also allows me to put in physical exertion. I have a bicycle. Wherever I have to go, I use it. Not only does it save time, but is also very environment friendly and also keeps me physically fit as I have to constantly keep rotating pedals to drive the bicycle. In addition to that, I also take other measures to stay physically fit. I dislike obesity and believe that it ruins an individual’s looks. I am a big fan of healthy food, and have always tried very hard to keep stuck to one. To me, health is more important than wealth. I tend to be indulged in more and more physical work because exercise is the treatment of obesity (Queen). I believe that increased use of vehicles in the modern age has

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Liberal Arts Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Liberal Arts Studies - Essay Example They would also need to possess knowledge and reason that rules over their other baser desires such as obtaining food, money, and pleasure. Furthermore, they need to understand what makes for a good life and what makes for a bad one. Plato does believe that all leadership comes from moral authority, or virtue, as he would describe it. Virtue comes from â€Å"consuming† things that are good for the soul. One who consumes things that are bad for the soul will eventually become unjust and be unfit to rule. Therefore, those who consume virtue and practice virtuous habits are the most fit to rule. While some may feel that this is an old fashioned view of authority, Plato would argue that people who believe this way are merely ignorant and therefore they see being unjust as a way (and perhaps the only way) to get ahead in life. Plato’s definition of â€Å"guardians† relates to modern professionals in a significant way. In a society, professionals are given the authority to govern or manage in their particular field. Therefore, it is important that these professionals are taught and trained in philosophy as well as in technical aspects of their profession. If guardians (managers) are virtuous and just, it will lead to a better and happier society for

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dispersed Team Dynamics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Dispersed Team Dynamics - Assignment Example Conflicts generally occur when there is difference in opinions and interest between individuals. According to a study by Lambregts (2011), there are more chances of conflicts in collective activities in which regular communications and interpersonal relationships are less feasible as in virtual teams (pp.10-11). The conflicts may be of different nature. In a virtual team frame, usually there are many independent groups working on a linear relationship with the management at the headquarters. Therefore there can be conflicts among groups, individuals in the same group or individuals across different groups. Different scholars have varying opinions about the category of conflicts in a virtual team. According to Kankanhalli, Tan and Wei (n.d.), conflicts within a team can either be relationship conflicts or task conflicts. Personal conflicts occur as a result of increasing tensions and frictions between employees due to mutual disagreement on a particular issue or due to egos and emotio nal clashes during the routines. Task conflicts generally arise around the methods and processes associated with the given assignments and the responsibilities to accomplish them. According to Professor Lindred Greer (as cite in Petersen (2014), the physical distances and the cultural differences among the team members can affect the quality of communication, and the responses to disagreements can reflect in the negative productivity of the team. The basic reason for this aspect is the unavailability of individuals for personal interactions at the required times of response to proposals and complaints in the process. Conflicts are capable of self-replication when they are not resolved promptly. Hence it is important for the leaders to create a mechanism to forecast the possibility of issues within the team. A typical analysis of the nature of conflicts can work as a measure to predict the possibility of

Friday, November 15, 2019

7th Record Label Business Plan Marketing Essay

7th Record Label Business Plan Marketing Essay My business plan is to set up a music record label (7th Records) that will be based in Lagos, the capital of Nigeria. It will be a corporation whose major focus will be to capture the very talented but financially handicap artists/bands. 7th record will sign talented but financially handicap local artists/bands within Nigeria and will be involved in every developmental phase required for the success of these artists/bands from music production, promotion to marketing. In a report by Dozie Olamide (Fingers, 2009), it is said that one out of every ten local artist have the funding required for an album production and the existing labels do not make matters easy for these financially handicapped majority who may later end up doing street Rap battle instead of making good use of their talent. This category of artist will be our major target. There are six major record labels presently enjoying 90% of the industrys market share and these labels focus on financially viable musicians for their success (Entertainment weekly, 2008). They also rip off these artist/band by adopting a 50:50 record deal i.e. for every profit made from the CD sales they will have 50%. This has been a way of extortion from artist on the part of these labels. 7th Record will be an exceptional, goal oriented and unusual but sustainable business model for a record label. Our main strategy will be focused on capturing the very talented locals who do not have the finance to produce an album and we will introduce a 30:70 record dealing term. As a result, 7th record will also have an in-house studio that will be run by veterans in music production business. This idea is aimed at producing classy and marketable albums that will not only yield good profit but will also serve as a good means of market penetration. In the Nigeria entertainment industry, there is no laid down pattern for return on investment; your success depends on your strategies. Popularity and Fans acceptance is the determining factor and key element for sales. 7th record will require a start-up capital of $23,580 for the first year. It will be funded by me together with some support from my immediate family members. A breakdown of the financial requirement in presented in the later part of this Business case. 1.1 Start-up Funding 70% of the start-up fund will be from me and the remaining part will be from my immediate family members who are fully in support of this project. Required start-up capital $23,580 Izekor Osagie Lee $16,506 Family members $7,074 Total funding $23,580 1.2 Industry Analysis The Nigeria Music industry is dominated by a few large Record labels that before now enjoy a monopolistic market share (Fingers, 2009). These record labels control over 90% of the CD (compact disc) sales in Nigeria. A report (Fingers, 2009) shows that Kennis music presently enjoy 32% of the market share, Lockdown entertainment 18% Mo-Hit 14% Question mark 12%, Chops record 9%, Hex records 5% and the other smaller labels share the remaining 10%. Most of these record labels take the shot gun approach to market penetration i.e. they sign up a lot of different artist/bands hoping a few will make it all the way to the top. On the artists/bands that gained commercial recognition, there are huge windfalls of profits to be made off them by the record label. The remaining 10% made up of junkyard record labels; rely on the junk local artist to make sales. They rarely get patronage by the popular artist and commercially viable bands which lives them without a competitive power in the Nigeria music industry. It is funny to know their market penetration strategy is based on luck. My findings shows 7th record have a very lucrative market to participate in. Our success in the industry is very achievable knowing we have got a few challenging labels to compete with and these competitors themselves have very weak competitive strategy compared to the strategies we will employ as discussed in the later part of this report. 1.3 Product and Services 7th record will be a Nigeria based record label for a selected group of Nigeria based artist/bands. The label will also house the 7th studios were all music production work will be done. It will operate as a full record label and will provide everything that is required for producing, Mixing, Mastering, promoting and marketing a music album of any signed artist/band. It will also adopt a business philosophy developed by Fred Okundaye (Fred, 2007) which states that for long term sustainable growth it will be more successful for a label to sign up just a few artist/bands and promote them equally than to sign up a bunch and hope one gains commercial success enough to float the rest of the bands. After careful investigation I bought into this philosophy and have chosen to adopt it although it is quit appealing to a few band or artist. It will create room for both 7th label and the prospective bands/artist to adopt an intimate and specialized focus on what the entertainment market wants. Instead of competing with the existing labels, 7th records will adopt a flexible, intimate approach where they concentrate on talented local artist/band. By working with only a few bands at once, 7th record will be able to offer a much more specialized and attentive level of service for their customers. This will be their competitive edge against other labels, something unique. We will enforce the ideology that expression will be the key to producing a good album while hard work will be the key to promoting just a few of them (signed artist/band), as both factor is an essential element that will guarantee success in the entertainment industry. Operations will begin first with the production of compilation CD for the signed artist/band. This CD will feature many different local artist/band. There will be no charge for a band to place a single (a track from their previous album) on the CD. It will be an avenue for creating awareness for these artists/bands before they are finally signed. It is essential to do this because the more popular your artist the better. During the period when this compilation CD is being processed, 7th record will be arranging modalities for networking purposes. Our first target will be local TV and Radio studios. To get air plays for the CD mostly depends on your relationship with the key decision makers at the various stations. 7th records will also be working with major retail outlets developing strong relationships with them so that as some of the bands become popular and consumer interest grow there will be assurance for sales. 7th record will also build relationships with clubs and event companies to provide room for concert placements and gigs for our prospective artists/bands. Bearing in mind that live performance is one major way to win the loyalty of fans and achieve fanfare. After 7th record attains these heights it will become attractive for well known artists to sign up with the label. We will also embrace diversification in our choice of who and what to produce. 7th record will not only focus on one genre of music and embrace diversity in the music industry. We will focus on the key element of improvisation that is found in a wide range of genres. Improvisation is a way of expressing ones self during a performance. Its a way of adding free flow change or spontaneity to a performance. Most times improvisation occurs when a band is playing a pre-defined song and each member of the band deviates from the original laid down pattern to do something that they find interesting at that moment. This is a way to please the crowd during a music performance but care has to be taking else the song can be ruined. Â © Copyright BizTree. 2006. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW. Â © Copyright BizTree. 2006. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.1.4 Competition From my visibility studies I found out about some already existing labels but my focus will be on the major key players in the industry and they are Kennis music, Lockdown entertainment, Mo-hit records, Question mark, Chops record and Hex records. Dozies (2009) article reported that Kennis music presently enjoy 32% of the market share, Lockdown entertainment 18% Mo-Hit 14% Question mark 12%, Chops record 9%, Hex records 5% and the other smaller labels share the remaining 10%. During my investigation I discovered that all six major labels focus on CD sales and they presently employ the 50:50 sharing term for all profit made. One of the up-coming stars PC Dre in one of my interviews described this as a term of extortion by most Nigerian label. He said the 50:50 terms benefit the labels more than it does to the artist/band. 7th record will take advantage of this gap and provide a 30:70 sharing model as against the 50:50 by other existing labels. This will be aimed at market penetration and product attractiveness. Another gap I realized from my investigation was that the major concerts organized by the big multinationals features 80% of foreign artist (vanguard, 2008) because the quality and standard of the available bands seldom meet their own standard for the concerts. This I found to be the inability for these existing labels to fully brand the available talented locals to meet international standard required by such multinationals. 7th record will look beyond the local market and try to penetrate the global entertainment industry but with focus on the Nigeria music industry where it will become a part player. This idea is to match the standard of any signed artist/band with that of their counterparts oversea. To further give a clear presentation of our potential competitor and their competitive strength, a table is presented below in that regard. Competitor Name Strength Competitor Name Strength Kennis music Finance Networking Hex record Finance and club house performance Lockdown entertainment Networking Mo-hit record Finance and popularity Chops record Popularity Question mark Location 2.0 7th records Business Model In order for 7th record to succeed, a lot of sweet equity will be required with little to no revenue stream or profit for the first year. This is very difficult to adopt by most start-up businesses but for any business to succeed in the entertainment industry it has to create attraction for patronage else people wont have the chance to know what you have to offer. In the case of 7th record, it will be useful that these realistic expectations are established upfront and it will not be an unwelcome future surprise. Additionally, the investors (family members) are aware of these parameters and have given the go ahead. I know this will take a lot of effort to pull off, with reasonable expectations up front and the right management to execute on the business model, it will be a reality. Â © Copyright BizTree. 2006. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW. Â © Copyright BizTree. 2006. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.2.1 Management For a start, 7th records will be owned and managed by me together with 8 other staff members I have carefully selected with regards to their functionality. Their duties will be; Manager To manage all human and material resources to achieve the company goal Assistant Manager To assist the manager in decision making and to work in the managers stead in an event of unavailability Secretary To handle all administrative duties Accountant To carry out all financial obligations Public relation personnel To run logistic assignments and customer care Producer/Studio Engineer For all studio production work Marketing Personnel For all post production work ranging from promotion to sales Major qualifications are not actually required but experience will be a key employment criteria. Every employee must have the working experience in the business for a period of not less than 4 years. This is because 7th record will focus on veterinary abilities of her employees for the success of the prospective artist/band. It will be a very distinct advantage over competitors. The chain of logistics will be a direct report model where all departments report directly to the Manager or the Assistant when the Manager is unavailable. 2.2 Objectives 7th records aim at becoming the number one record label in Nigeria To provide fair contract terms for the signing of local artists/bands To produce albums that will compete with that of our counterparts oversea To become a household name in the Nigeria entertainment industry within three years. To be the first Nigerian record label to sign foreign artist based on the standard and quality that the label will attain within the next three years. 2.3 Vision Our vision is to produce artist/bands that will become world icons in the global entertainment world. We will produce albums that can be nominated for Grammy as has never been heard of a Nigerian artist. 2.4 Mission Our mission is to bring out the best in local Nigerian artist/bands by providing them with all necessary resources required for quality music production and strong networking for good album sales. 2.5 Keys to Success We will choose promising artists/bands to promote 7th record will work hard to, explore and have fun We will maintain a gradual and flexible approach to profit making. It will be of no importance to sign up too many artists/bands within a specified period; otherwise the effectiveness of promotion will be diluted. 3.0 Company summary 7th record is a start-up corporation that will be based in Lagos Nigeria. The location was so chosen because Lagos is a centralized city in Nigeria. Its easily accessed from all part of the country as compared with other cities. This idea is aimed at market penetration and for competitive advantage as against major competitors. 3.1 Start-up requirements The label will be run in my house for the first year. All arrangement for start will be that for the first phase of the business, 7th record will obtain a license for owning a label from the regulating body and purchase the following; Legal (Licensing) 4 Computers 4 printers Various printed materials Mixer Amps Sound processors Speakers Recording software furniture Air conditioners Start-up Requirements Start-up proposed Expenses Legal $350 Office Stationery $600 Website development $1,200 Insurance $150 Equipments $5,200 Furniture $1,350 Other $230 Total start-up Expenses $9,080 Start-up Assets Cash Required $12,000 Start-up Inventory $0 Other Current Assets $0 Long-Term Assets $2,500 Total Assets $14,500 Total Required $23,580 Start-up Funding Start-up Expenses to fund $9,080 Start-up Assets to fund $14,500 Total Funding required $23,580 Assets Non-cash Assets from Start-up $2,500 Cash Requirement from start-up $12,000 Additional Cash Raised $390 Cash Balance on Starting Date $12,000 Total Assets $14,500 Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Current Borrowing $0 Long Term Liabilities $0 Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0 Other Current Liabilities (Interest-free) $0 Total Liabilities $0 Capital Planned Investment Izekor Osagie Lee $13,500 Family and Friends $10,080 Other $0 Additional Investment Requirement $0 Total Planned Investment $23,580 Start-up Expenses $9,080 Total Capital $14,500 Total Capital and Liabilities $14,500 Total Funding $23,580 4.0 Market Analysis Nigeria has a population of over 120 million people and record shows that at least 85% of this figure patronizes music whether directly or indirectly (Entertainment weekly, 2009). The key factor that controls Market share in the Nigeria music industry is CD sales and Fan loyalty. 7th record will channel her strategies to gaining strong relationship with most record stores and consumers/Fans at live shows. Since these market segments are the main source of revenue in the industry, a clear visibility studies shows that they are also the means of market penetration. 4.1 Market Segmentation Record retailers- They have direct link with the end consumers through the selling of CDs. 7th record has indentified the need to build a cordial relationship with Tee Jay the major record retailer in Nigeria. This will create a channel for the marketing of our signed artist/band without fear of pirating. Consumers at Live Concerts- This segment have the greater market penetration power as it has the ability to affect the sales of CD also. It focus on Fans at live concerts. The number of people at a concert determines the revenue that will be generated from ticket sales. They normally purchase the CD of the bands they are viewing while at the show. 7th record will ensure that her signed artists/bands are well groomed for live performance. The concept of improvisation and meeting the expectation of their fans will not be taken for granted at any level. Fans are attracted to bands that keep the stage rocking. This will be an ideology that will be a watch word for our prospective Artist/Band. Market Analysis (pie) 5.0 Strategy and Implementation 7th record have mapped out ways to leverage the available competitive advantage after careful analysis of the gaps in the way and manner other major record labels carry on their operations as well as their terms and conditions for signing an Artist. We will be more flexible in our dealings with our prospective Artist and provide them with better and more profitable terms. We will also create a vast networking means to ensure wider awareness and acceptance from fans. Lastly, we will employ aggressive marketing strategies were record retailers will be granted better discount for every CD sold as against the percentage given by other competing labels. 5.1 Marketing Strategy 7th record have recognized that sales of CD is fan (consumers) driven so we have arranged for series of tours for our prospective artist/band. This will help to create awareness for their albums. We will development our label visibility through the release of various compilation CDs on selected media houses and clubs. Once our artist/band gains spot light in the industry, the label name will be on the lips of every fan. Gradually the acceptance will shift from the artist to the umbrella (7th record) they are under. In that case 7th record will not only depend on the success of an artist/band like other labels do but on her brand name. Get artist/band prepared for live performance Arrange Tours Gain fan loyalty Release compilation CDs Ensure media and club play Launch individual signed artist/bands personal albums Coddle the CD retailers Arrange for concert fixing 5.2 Competition Strategy One of the challenges most labels face is signing too many artist/band at a time. 7th record will cut down on the number of signings that will be done at a particular period to ensure that the needed resources are available to meet requirement for quality delivery. We will also increase the signing term from 50:50 adopted by the existing labels to 30:70. We so chose to adjust the terms for signing because it will not only boost the growth pace of the financially handicap but also create an attraction to the commercially viable artist/bands. We will take responsibility of the welfare of our artist and give fair attention to every signed artist/band. Unlike some major labels, 7th studio will be free to all signed artist. It will provide flexible studio times where an artist is not compelled to hurry up production to save cost. They will instead be advised to take their time to produce songs of good commercial value. 7th record will organize talent hunt reality shows to assist financially handicap but talented locals. This will be a tool to create more awareness as a start-up business. 5.3 Sales Strategy Our sales strategy will focus on the two market segments. We keep close relationship with affiliated record retailers and provide them with more attractive discounts per CD. 7th record will introduce online CD sales as never been adopted before in the Nigeria industry. The idea will go beyond just downloading to online purchase and delivery. It has been discovered that fans tend to patronize an album more immediately after a concert performance. We will employ this strategy for CD distribution during and after any concert performance. Another channel for generating revenue will be from contract buyout. At some point there will be possibilities for some of our signed bands to receive an offer from another label for the purpose of profit making. These labels will have to pay an amount that will decide upon if such contracts will be considered. As a result all our singings will be patented to avoid breach in contract at any point in time. Our studio will be commercialized to labels or artist/band who wishes to do production work. They will buy studio sessions and pay production fees. Other services would be; Studio time Mastering and Mixing CD production (recording, labeling and max producing a CD) Other assisted services 6.0 Sales Forecast As I earlier discussed, the success of a record label greatly depend on its popularity and Fan acceptance. As a result, a graphical representation will present a clearer picture of my sales forecast. 7.0 Milestone Several procedural steps have been established to achieve all laid down plan. These steps are time framed and responsibilities have shared among the will be staffs. Milestone Start date End date budget Staff responsibility Business plan completion 12/05/10 15/06/10 $0 Manager Label licensing 18/06/10 19/06/10 $350 P.R.O Signing of artist/bands 25/06/10 Open to decision $12,000 Entire management Arrangement for Tours 15/07/10 22/07/10 $0 P.R.O Production of first compilation of CD and Networking with key players in the Media industry and record retailers 01/08/10 31/08/10 $1,250 Producer, and P.R.O Promotion and marketing of music albums 02/09/10 continuing $6,200 Marketing personnel Arrangement for Live concert performance 08/09/10 continuing $0 Entire management 8.0 Monitoring and Evaluation After the successful establishment of 7th record label, every operation will be under little or no supervision as a result of this fact, before employees are absorbed they will go through an interview where they will be asked to sign an agreement stating their employment will be held on the ground of result delivery i.e. if for any reason gap is experienced in any department drastic measures will be taken that may lead to a staff member losing the job. This is not a way of acting cruel but to enhance seriousness on the part of our employees.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle ABSTRACT: The ancient commentaries on Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias (De Interpretatione) give us important elements to understand more clearly some difficult passages of this treatise. In the case of the indefinite names and verbs (i.e. 'not-man', and 'does not recover', respectively), these commentaries reveal a doctrine which explains not only the nature of the indefinites, but also why Aristotle introduces these kinds of term in Peri Hermeneias. The coherence and explanatory capacity of this doctrine is entirely absent in modern exegesis of Peri Hermeneias. This fact has important implications: it can make us to think whether there will be another topics in which the ancient commentators are still indispensable to understand Aristotle. It can also make us to think to what extent a profounder reflection of the ancient commentators can modify our idea of Aristotle and the ancient world. I. The labour of translation of and comment on the ancient interpreters of Aristotle, which in our days have been edited by Professor R. Sorabji,(1) has put modern readers in contact with new dimensions of Aristotle's thought. In these ancient commentaries, many of the traditional and well-known doctrines of Aristotle find not only theoretical basis, but also a number of obscure and condensed texts reach an important and valuable elucidation and explanation. The subject-matter that I would like to discuss today is a sample of how these commentators can still contribute to understand Aristotle. I would like to warn, however, that the theme of the indefinite terms is especially illustrative of what I indicate, for the modern comments on this topic have been made without a profounder consideration of the ancient teaching. In my opinion, however, a more reliable and complete explanation about this difficult subject is to be found in the analysis of the ancient view. II. The commentaries of Boethius(2) and Ammonius son of Hermeias(3) contain in a slightly different manner the ancient doctrine of indefinite names and verbs. They explain some questions whose answers are not evident in Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias (= PeriH.):(4) namely, (i) why does Aristotle introduce indefinite names and verbs after defining name and verb? I.e. Why does Aristotle consider adequate to define expressions like 'not-man', 'does not recover', etc., once he has defined 'man' and 'recovers' as name and verb respectively? Even more, (ii) why does Aristotle in Chapter 10 of PeriH. leave indefinite verbs aside and introduces only indefinite names in simple (= categorical) propositions?