Sunday, December 22, 2019

Addiction Vs. Obsession Addiction Versus Obsession

Addiction vs. Obsession In the reality TV show â€Å"My Strange Addiction,† participants are brought on to showcase how their â€Å"addictions† impact their everyday lives. These participants open themselves up to display to the viewers what it is like to live with their bizarre inclinations. Once, the participants display their â€Å"strange addiction,† they will go to a physician to see how they can change their habits. Some participants â€Å"addictions† may be weird, but nonetheless, harmless. Examples would be: having a romantic relationship with their car, having hair that is twenty-one feet long, or dressing up as a baby during their free time. Others, may not be so harmless. Some participants’ habits prove to be detrimental to their health and wellbeing. Like, being obsessed with eating mattresses, eating clay face masks, or being obsessed to drinking their own urine. Although the show tries to portray the participants’ habits as â₠¬Å"addictions,† what they are showing are signs of psychological disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and many other disorders. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an addiction as, â€Å"[the] compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.† Not one participant on â€Å"My Strange Addiction† is shown using any type of drug. The word addiction has an immensely negative connotation. So, automatically when a viewer watches the showShow MoreRelatedCellphones Today ( Benefits And Detriments )3965 Words   |  16 PagesIntroduction: Cellphones Today (Benefits and Detriments). Cell phones, which happen to be one of the greatest technological inventions of the 20th century has become one of the addictions in the world. 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