Saturday, December 14, 2019

Students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in Internet era Free Essays

In the postmodern society we have today, Internet-access Is a natural part of the everyday life. Not only have the Internet almost taken over people’s lives, but apparently also their schoolwork and education. Due to the easy access to everything on the Internet, faculty at schools have trouble find-inning a dividing line, between what is cheating and what is not. We will write a custom essay sample on Students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in Internet era or any similar topic only for you Order Now An example of this was seen in a chemistry-class at the University of Wisconsin, where 42 students were accused of plagiarism. While all the students protested, none of the students seemed to know the seriousness of the situ-tool. This leads to the question: when Is something plagiarism? And what can one do to fix the cheating? Journalist, Todd Effeminately wrote the text â€Å"U students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in In-tern era† in 2010, and it was published in â€Å"the Capital Times†- newspaper. The sender of the art-clue, want to Inform the reader of the present Issue: plagiarism. The sender simply wants to notify the reader that plagiarism Is Illegal and wrong. This leads to the unknowing students, who tempt to take the short cut and use other people’s work. The scary thing is that most students don’t see the series- scenes of this problem – they simply don’t consider it cheating. As Donald McCabe, professor at Rutgers University and co-founder of the International Center for Academic Integrity, explains it: â€Å"You’re almost to the 50-50 mark right now, where almost half the students we survey don’t see this as ‘moderate’ or ‘serious’ cheating. And the number that’s growing Is the half who don’t con-slider It cheating. † This quotation-use by the writer, appeals to the readers pathos: how come so many students don’t see this wrongdoing? What have society done wrong to make this happen? Not only does Effeminately appeal to pathos, but he also appeals to ethos, which strengthens his reliability. HIS ethos Increases, with both the use of statistics and experts to comment on the Issue, for an example: â€Å"Donald McCabe, has been researching academic misconduct for 20 years, and he says Logos is also a penetrating form of appeal. It is used throughout the entire text, when Effeminately tries to convince the reader that plagiarism is an increasing crime. Because, of course plagiarism is wrong, and he proves it by referring to the majorities opinion: â€Å"most me to agree with the notion that plagiarism – taking the work of others and presenting It as your own – Is wrong†. Another appeal to logos Is his use of connectives in the text. Connectives make him look sure of his case, for an example when he uses â€Å"of course† in the end his contention: â€Å"Students who cheat are nothing new on college campuses, of course†. All of the examples above are all signs of hidden argumentation. Hidden problem, and agree with him at the same time. With the use of hidden argumentation, the reader is influenced in the wanted direction, most likely without ensign any form of manipulation. The signs of hidden argumentation is seen in the text, when the writer refers to experts, the majority of people’s opinions and if the writer is general-sizing, which is all seen in this text. The way of the composition makes the text very floating – there is a good balance between claim and evidence in the argumentation. At the same time there is a perfect comprehensive use of experts to support the argumentation. Because of the formal and high-flown language used in the article, it is to conclude that the target roof for the text must be most suitable for the academic educated people. At the same time it is not unthinkable that the text also is meant for college-students around the world. Because of the theme and the conclusion in the text, you must assume that the text’s purr-pose is to enlighten the students about the serious matter of the problem: plagiarism. One of the scary things to think about is the fact that young students cheat because they have doubt in themselves. Either, they don’t realism how smart they are, or maybe they are Just scared of hard work and failure? In reality, the main reason why students cheat is because they: â€Å"didn’t think they could accomplish what they wanted to any other way’. But is the goal really accomplished, when it is accomplished with fraud? Plagiarism is so common that some people even write papers in ex-change for money. As it is told in the article: â€Å"Professor Donald Downs (†¦ ) met a man who â€Å"told me he felt like he had taken my courses. † A puzzled Downs asked the man what he meant. â€Å"He told me, ‘Vive written about 20 papers for your In conclusion, what can one do to fix the cheating? According to the article the main season to fix cheating is by talking about it, even though the topic is sensitive: ;legalism is a very difficult conversation to have because nobody quite wants to talk about it,† (†¦ You can’t work on this issue unless you talk about it. † The important thing is to enlighten students about this issue, because if the students really speak the truth: then how can it be considered cheating, if they truly don’t know what plagiarism is? Enlighten is also the main purpose of this article: enlighten the world about plagiarism. Set a stop to plagiarism and accomplish your goals by yourself. How to cite Students, faculty struggle with plagiarism in Internet era, Papers

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