Thursday, November 28, 2019

Should children be spanked; a polemical approach Essay Example

Should children be spanked; a polemical approach Essay Literally it is metaphorically emphasised that ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’, this enough reason to espouse spanking children in any life setting so as to impart purported discipline and moral values that seem decadent within the children. Disciplined children are products of the environment they are brought up in. (Ken David 2007)Disciplined clever kids is modern days parent dream But with economic recession biting deep, work holism creeping into the house and job insecurity on the rise, parents are becoming more worrisome of their fiscal future than their children’s. Instead of bright disciplined kids most parent are afraid they are rearing brats and insubordinate devils and imps, of which they are to blame. This blame emanates from regulation that has surmounted values and ethics of discipline and forced a precautionary attitude towards spanking.Discipline is vital in bringing forth responsible and prosperous children who’ll reckon upon themselves in future. Discipline is instilled and recommendations by experts are that this should be done in the best and simple way possible. Spanking is concise and impartial, it has physiological authority over even crime and it is effective in instilling discipline in children. Discipline is derived from the term disciple hence discipline is discipleship. This means disciplined children are a product of the environment they are brought up in. This clarifies discipline in our children as emulated characters, speech, dressing code and etiquette besides habits from us. This is the principle which guides discipline as an induced but cognitive life principle which should whatsoever should be administered regardless of the modus. Spanking as such becomes the most effective and admissible modus. Spanking has had a history and this is what have been a subject of controversy and much ado. Spanking is necessary conflict within family values and has far reaching implications on social integrity and status of individual children once they become adults. Those that have had a robust and easy life, often getting away with their lewd, wayward ways have a difficult time adjusting and coping with the general society that is quite discontented with immoral outward ness and social misfits. In modern society young adults have been murdered after becoming problems within their society and much of their bad character is inherent from their parent’s ignorance and hands off the cane parenting style.On the other end, institutional based disciplining is another important aspect of imparting good moral values and respectful and responsible adults. On the spot today are kids for using vulgar language, abusing each other and talking ill things about their neighbours and specific parties. Much of this is attributed and derived from their parents or those in the environment. When this is availed in institutions, of which and of whom a responsibility to mould and educate the young to become immaculate, respectful and respectable social members, and the repercussions have roused controversial stances and proxies about spanking. While spanking is important since it physiologically warns and adapts the child to becoming restrained from using the vulgar lingo or being abusive, disobedient or in any way outwards and in-disciplined, some teachers and individuals have gone step beyond necessary spanking to harmful beating rather than spanking.It becomes basic to mentor children to become adults who’ll say acceptable things in the society. While they desperately try to be like us we should mould them into responsible and respectable individuals who’ll live to impart similar values to their sons and daughters In future. Spanking becomes a necessary social conflict through which we achieve discipline in principle. Manifestation of social ethics and moral uprightness is impartial in context and argumentatively we are faced with a hypothetical situation which seeks to identify how we should spank rather than how we should discipline. Spanking should be mildly violent in nature and besides the violent appeal during appeal which is meant to rouse physiological awareness as to the profundity of the error committed and should not become more than a harassment of physical well being. The pain felt or excruciated during spanking becomes the key to the much important physiological awareness that the deeds that have led to the spanking are negatively consequential.Habits exhibited by both parents and other senior siblings are easily taken in by kids. A father who especially rebukes his wife, calls her names and criticizes her, refuses to eat her food and often demoralize her obviously has his sons taking after him. Like father like son. His boys will bully their sisters, disrespect their mother and abuse girls in school. They will continue with all these bad habits blazing (Tucker, W, 2003). This ratifies the fact that the increased incidences of chil d abuse, name calling amongst children and the use of very vulgar lingo in the society are a progeny and a consequence of irresponsible parenting. In modern world we are faced by the incumbent problem of parent beating children. In fact, the African community in its nascent is more affected than ever. Parents debuting old age are being badly beaten by their own children. These are in context causes or reagents of indiscipline (Norris M, 1997).Besides the institutional based disciplining which of course plays a major role in moulding and making the young to be responsible a respectable, caning has been explicit and feared by children. Excessiveness in spanking has resulted to violent approach towards the spanker. Hatred and discontentment towards the teacher or parent has seen homicides and violent crimes rise based on rebellion begotten from the beatings that were excessive. Institutions then are the onset of discipline maintenance and subsequently mould the children into discipline d young adults.Within this level of education and social position respect and responsibility are arguably the basis of moral implications to the children. As such, this is a very important phase in life and spanking is necessary to consolidate the gains and efforts of parenthood in the children.However, the commonplace scenario is that spanking has become so politicised and socially criticised as extreme force and an avenue of revenge and a vent of frustration by protagonists and other relevant figures within the disciplining authority. Subsequently the anger borne out of spanking transforms in hatred and this hatred towards the spanker relevantly has transformed and consummated to revenge through grievous crimes and murders both within and outside the institution. These have been witnessed in the recent past in the United States alone with high school youngsters shooting teachers and other students.Politically, spanking is eyed as a doctrine that has elements of instilling rebellio n based on the fact that force brings rebellion. However as argued within the text, spanking should be done under due physiological perspectives and purposefully, through which the physiological response from the child is that what she/he done is incorrect and that repeating the deed again would result to the same physiological effect and physical pain again. Politics have made spanking a subject that cannot be manifested on long term. The truly profound is that, with increasing social problems and rifts between parents, neighbours, teachers, the circle of revenge and the social economic transformation has created apertures of spanking to be revenge and settling score avenues within the vast society hence rather than being purposeful as it was in the recent past it is controversial and abusive due to the extent of physical pain, injury from caning and physiological breakdown and demoralization of children.   This has forced spanking to be deemed a destructive principle in moral te achings and methodologies and has been regulated and in various societies abolished. If abolished it affects the family which is the basic unit of the society and the only institution that can offset good values and onset responsible kids. The overview basis on the political order is that if; legal, educational, and family systems are designed to benefit owners, resulting in an economic determinism. P.G. Boss, W. J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. R. Schumm, S. K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 357-381).   New York: Plenum.  1993.However the repercussions are grossly worrying with the rise in crime and immoral youngsters reining the social circles. Drugs, gun wielding and totting teens are now a commonplace place scenario, dead armed robbers are the same youngsters and the decadent rapists and social misfits are the progenies of the lack of spanking. It should be emphasized that spanking is necessary conflict. All these problems are related to social cultural and economic transformations (Harvard mental health newsletter, 2002). Socio cultural and economic transformation has been developing through various economic phases which are part of the diverse development. The transformations implication affects the society subsequently drawing conflicts. The social conflicts are profound and based on diverse interest. According to Machiavelli 1948 and Hobbes 1947 tendency towards conflict is a basic element of human nature. With such essential philosophical and socio cultural assertions and facts, there is no question as to the vitality of spanking children. The overall conclusion is that spanking is essential and a necessary conflict.SourcesKen David 2007: Disciplined children are products of the environment they are brought up in. Goldman Publications (pg 3)P.G. Boss, W. J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. R. Schumm, S. K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 357-381).à ‚   New York: Plenum.  1993.(Norris M, 1997): Both sides of the capital punishment: Caribbean journal of criminology. Pp 2-5(Harvard mental health newsletter, 2002) spanking debate: pp 2-4(Tucker, W, 2003): The case for retaining capital punishment: Deterring homicides with the death penalty: Human Events Vol 59; pp 1-3Should be children be spanked? A Research approachSpanking as explained and defined by experts, sociologists and paediatricians is that it is striking a child aged 2years to 6 years on the buttocks purposefully to instil discipline only and if the child has shown or done something that is obviously reflecting indiscipline or bad morals and values. Spanking is a type of corporal punishment with the intention of modifying behaviour without causing physical injury. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. {pg 87}Ideologically spanking is acceptable in diverse global communities though barred in places like Sweden. The average accept ance rate is at around 70% internationally though the parameters speak else in certain countries like the USA where there are variables and attitudes towards spanking. Acceptability of spanking is based on the extremes of a Childs outward behaviour and if the child escalates in the dangerous and socially inadmissible behaviour. The ideology of spontaneous spanking is controversial in context. Parents find themselves in a more policy based situation than a parental one due to the fact that they have to explain the reason of spanking to the child so as to enact and induce principles of continuous adherence to discipline and pre-empting dangerous behaviour in children. However it is only virtually applicable when parents have proper relationship with their children that such a situation is apt.Spanking is only authoritative in context and only by the parents and empirically the outright caretakers. No other, inclusive of house help or maids or other third parties without immediate rela tion with the child should spank a child. The age limit as discussed is only 2 to 6 years of age. Within the higher age group spanking is deemed literally inconsequential and morally ineffective. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. {pg 88}Is spanking effective measure?The idea of spanking is becoming more controversial. The ideology is becoming ineffective due to diverse interests in the spanker and the kind of moral values within and portended by the child. According to Clinical Paediatrics spanking methodology is more of a subject that careens dangerously and one that has led to decline on effectiveness of spanking generally. Spanking has been over the years identified as effective in forcing time out. Continued spanking is negatively consequential with children who have been spanked often, becoming adaptive to spanking and subsequently not responding to the intended purpose of spanking. Children spanked repeatedly develop aggression that may lead to fighting back. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. {pg 88}Through principals of ethics, spanking is effective and a long-term measure with objectives and has consolidated gains over the years. Conflicting perspectives about the implications and the repercussions is not pragmatic within the social order and leaves us with sociological perspectives to measure and seek after resolves rather than arguments about how spanking should be regulated. In principal theorist of conflict draw out conflict as purposeful, as such bad morals and abusive, irresponsible and dangerous kids are inadmissible in the latent   and good society and as such in principal social value adopt the transformation of social values and the subsequent adoption of all possible change of institutions in-spite of negative implications to promote diversity and change while functionalist want stifling of aggressive virtues and applications to conserve and maintain social order and integration to foster an in equilibri um that is safe for the social institutions based on socio-political perspectives within the social transformation. Giddiness A: The Consequences of Modernity Polity Press, Cambridge, 1990Spanking as a inducement of values and discipline a case studyCorporal punishment involves some form of physical pain in response to a undesirable character or behaviour. Saadeh, Rizzo, Roberts {2002} Clinical Paediatrics. Counterpoint on spanking {pg 90}. The ill mannered children and their counterparts are basically progenies of our social and family values based on Location and the neighbourhood. This is becoming a factor of character and attitude development. Children brought up in urban settlements are renowned bad company to those who are disciplined. These urban kids have the ‘know it all’ attitude and always impose themselves as the superior patents in the group, morally, they have not been under pressure to do away with their ill manners and under no pressure to relent form ap proaching life in a negative perspective. They intimidate and coerce others into their circles.Most of these kids are blamed for introducing drugs and similar irresponsible behaviours in schools and at home even at tender ages of 6 years.   Due to location in the   urban setting, the accessibility of vice’s from peers and aping the trends as seen in television, magazines all over town and the movies, there’s no doubt these children are bad company. The need to find the loopholes that are supportive of the decadency in social values on the long-term are needed. Need of cohesiveness and a consistent socio-economic balance is valuable and is more important today as seen in sociological arguments (Sheline , Skipper Broadhead, 1994).   Theoretical assertions about the functionalism of the society based on its economic equity and the resonance of economic implications through standards of political pragmatics is devout in assenting to centralization of social perspect ives about its own stability as partial overbearing in contrast to the political inclination of economic gains towards some margins of the same society through default or bias. They rely on perspectives, they are open-ended. Beilharz, P. (ed.): Social Theory Guide to Central thinkers Allen Unwin, NSW, 1892However it’s evident that most of these kids are from the rich families who are well up, it’s the irresponsibility of the parents that trounces the kids fine sides. Spoiling their kids is the bane of the rich but the world is becoming incompatible for such. The peer group factor is taken upon seriously by most parents and expulsion of bad company from their precincts is becoming commonplace to the chagrin of their children and the neighbours who have warm relations with these ill mannered kids. But that’s a sufficing step towards nurturing fine kids and a bold one, however it depends on how you teach your children to desist the ill by being a good example and teaching them to be just like that, a good example. Spanking becomes a cognitive methodology of instilling good social values and proper morals. The physical pain should be more or so part of the physiological approach towards rectification of the errors. Within the same frame, the issue of style and ferocity of spanking becomes important. Frustration and anger should be warded off during spanking and resolve plus a cognitive approach to the problem should be used. Ken, David (2007): Disciplined children are products of the environment they are brought up in. {pg 17}

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